Clan & Link    



EliteDsR - Elite das Reich
=GOG= - Good old Germany 
' The Edge '  
=Triple-D- Dutch Death Division                                                              
=M.A.U.= - Merciless Assault Unit                                                               
§NR§ - The Norwegian Resistance                                                         
-=AOD=- - Angels of Death                                                                        
{SS} - Special Stormtroopers
[ThanhSa] - the sacred Snackes                                                       
DIV101 - Division 101                                                                                
[para] - The parachute Regiment                       
[3PzGrdiv] - 3. Panzergrenadierdevision                                           
-=[sff]=- - Special Fighter Force                                                                
Hippo Clan                                                                                                         

HFB - Heimfront Berlin

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